lundi 4 juin 2012

RRD data in gnuplot

RRD to gnuplot

At work we collect monitoring data and store them in rrd format. To plot them one can use rrdtool. However, as we plan to write a paper with data coming from different sources it was decided to use gnuplot.

I use a perl script that you can download directly here. It is an adaptation of a script designed to convert RRD data to CSV. The original script is available here.


usage: rrd2csv [args] some.rrd
  -a          autoscale DS values (also --autoscale)
  -c num      convert DS values by "num" (also --conversion)
  -e end      report ending at time "end" (also --end)
  -l label    label DS values with "label" (also --label)
  -m          only report the maximum value (also --max)
  -n          only report values around now (--now)
  -s start    report starting at time "start" (also --start)
  -v          print the start and end times (also --verbose)


./ -s 1  input.rrd > output.dat


The important thing is the time format:
  set xdata time
  set timefmt "%m/%d/%Y-%H:%M:%S"
  plot 'output.dat' using 1:2